Riccardo Gusmaroli

Riccardo Gusmaroli, born in Verona in 1963 and currently residing in Milan, is an artist whose work focuses on humanity's exploration of new territories, expressed through paper boats. His art, a visual poetry, uses delicate oriental origami and monochromes to convey the quest for a new energetic and vibrant dimension.
Gusmaroli exhibited in important venues, including the Castle of Volpaia, the Sperone Gallery in New York, and the Raffaelli Studio in Trento in the '90s. His career has continued to grow, with exhibitions in various cities and public spaces such as the Trevi Flesh Art Museum in Arezzo.
He has received significant recognition, including an exhibition at the National Museum Liu Hai Su Art Centre in Shanghai in 2007. His ability to overturn the objective parameters of space measurement has made him an internationally relevant artist.
In the 2000s, Gusmaroli introduced red, white, and black monochromes. His works, characterized by paper boats and spirals of pills, create elegant arabesques. His artistic exploration has delved into materials and surfaces, from stamp collections to geographical maps.
Recent exhibitions include the Palazzo della Regione Lombardia in 2015, the "Rigorismo" exhibition at the UNIX Gallery in New York in 2016, and participation in the Jerusalem Biennale in 2021 and 2023.