The first series of 4 panel discussions curated by Unlimited Platform will be hosted at Oblong Contemporary in Dubai on the 12 January, 2021.


Based in Dubai, UNLIMITED Platform gives voice to inspiring women, mothers and experts to engage, empower and drive growth through different media, that include podcast, social media, videos, webinar and in person events.


Unlimited gives voice to women and mothers that go beyond the boundaries of everyday life – mothers that forge a path for themselves and for others that is different, innovative and that surpasses the mainstream. We celebrate the diversity, talent, generosity, intelligence, commitment, creativity, love, and the passion of amazing women that forge different perspectives on the world. 


The event makes the most of the latest trends of online conferences, combining them with warm in-person gatherings for a limited number of people, and with the objective of  create opportunities for open discussions to inspire the listeners, create an active community in the Gulf and beyond. 


The first panel discussion, called "FROM A JOB TO A MISSION" invites the participants to see their careers from a deeper point of view, beyond predefined paths and goals, listen to some of the most successful women that drastically shifted their career to embrace their real mission.



Aiisha Ramadan - Fashion Designer and Healing Therapist

Meher Merchandani - CEO of Salmon Group, Life Coach and Author.

Federica Mele - Coach, Entrepreneur and Trainer



Sarah Saddouk - Head of Innovation and Strategy at BNC Publishing, Entrepreneur ME



Daniela Rossi & Nicoletta Danielli - Unlimited Co-founders



January 12, 2021